Workspace Tailoring

This guide is designed to help administrators tailor a Poggio workspace.


Poggio customizes task output specifically to your company, giving sellers account planning insights that reflect your ICP, positioning, and unique value props. You can tune this customization further through a process called tailoring. Tailoring improves Poggio's knowledge about your company, helping sellers use Poggio to have more in-depth, strategic conversations with prospects.

This guide will show you how to tailor your Poggio workspace.

You must be an Admin user in Poggio to tailor your workspace.

Step 1: Company Overview

The first step in tailoring your workspace is to review and edit the Overview section. When you first create a new workspace, Poggio pulls in publicly available information about your company such as sector and target market.

To edit this section to be more accurate or specific, start by logging in to Poggio and clicking the Customize Poggio option in the workspace menu.

Then, you'll see the Customize Poggio options. In the Overview section, you can customize any of the content in the Description box to better reflect the high-level overview of your company.

To see how your changes impact Poggio's task outputs, use the Task Preview feature on the right. Just select a target account and a task from your workspace, and hit Run. Once you're done editing, press Save to save your changes.

Step 2: Company Details

The second part of tailoring a workspace is editing the Company details section. This includes your company's ideal customer and personas, top competitors, and details about your various products and services.

Remember that Poggio learns from the knowledge you share when tailoring your workspace, so we suggest working with your enablement or product marketing teams to include the most up-to-date details.

Once you've updated your company details, use the Task preview feature to see how your updates get turned into relevant insights for your team. The Competitive dynamics task is a great place to start.

Don't forget to click Save once you're done.

Step 3: Enablement Materials

The last piece of workspace tailoring is adding your Enablement materials. Poggio can read and understand your enablement materials, creating richer and more relevant task results. One-pagers, vertical messaging, and competitive briefs are great things to upload to Poggio.

Head to the Enablement materials section to upload a PDF or text file of your content. Once your uploads are complete, try using Task preview to check the results of a task for a given company.

Don't forget to press Save when you're done.


Tailoring your workspace is one of the most powerful features of Poggio. If you'd like some help navigating the tailoring process, please reach out to a member of our team or reach us at

Last updated