AI Products Q&A

With the rise of Artificial Intelligence and large language models (LLMs), Poggio has developed new products and features designed to help sales teams leverage these tools to operate more efficiently.

Our AI products harness AI advancements to improve prospecting and drive quality engagement with customers through all phases of the sales lifecycle. This Q&A outlines Poggio’s approach to AI products, including development, deployment, and usage.

AI Development at Poggio

Poggio’s AI products use custom code that our team has written, mixed with open-source, proprietary, and synthetic datasets.

Our commitments: Security, Trust, & Control

When using our AI products, please note the following:

  • We collect and use personal data as set forth in our Subscription Services Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy. Users can contact us at with questions.

  • Poggio does not use customer data or inputs to train or fine-tune any models used.

  • We periodically review and update our policies and procedures in an effort to comply with applicable data protection regulations and industry standards.

  • We use reasonable measures designed to maintain the safety of users and avoid harm to people and the environment. Poggio’s product development process includes considerations for ethical, security, and regulatory requirements, with safeguards to prevent misuse and abuse.

  • We’ve been audited for SOC 2 compliance.

You can request to have your customer data deleted from Poggio by contacting us at

Third-Party Service Providers

Poggio leverages several third-party providers in the AI space to enhance our services and capabilities.

The current list of third-party AI providers used by Poggio is as follows:

Acceptable Use

Please refer to our Subscription Services Terms and Conditions and Acceptable Use Policy for more information about acceptable use of our AI product.


Who owns inputs and outputs?

Input and output data is owned by the customer. Please see our Subscription Services Terms and Conditions for more information.

Where does the data in the Poggio Dataset come from?

The Poggio B2B Dataset is from a range of data providers that we curate to be sure you’re getting the most comprehensive and accurate answers across available sources.

How is my data used?

We use customer data (and share it our third-party service providers) to provide our services, to comply with applicable law, to create aggregate data (as described in our Subscription Services Terms and Conditions) and as explained in our Privacy Policy and Data Processing Addendum.

How can I report harmful content or misinformation?

Please email to report harmful content or misinformation. Include a screenshot of the content that you’re reporting.

Last updated